
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why do I need an expensive stethoscope? Part II

So...If you didn't read my first opinion on expensive it here

Long story short, a few months ago...I thought I lost my I bought another...I bought a Littman Cardiology III, like clockwork, as soon as it arrived I found my old one.

A piece of advice that I try to live by is that one cannot possibly know the extend of one's ignorance. I didn't know how fine crackles can be...or how few places

"My scope is for blood pressures and lung sounds, and I don't have a problem hearing those things in the back of an ambulance with the cheap scope,..."

That was before I understood the difference between fine localized crackles, clear, and subtle wheezes....these things are harbingers of things to come...more importantly...they are harbingers of DIFFERENT things to come.

What a good paramedic hears for lung sounds will help her/him determine treatment. In which case I will do everything I possibly can to hear good lung sounds.

I still don't think EMT-Bs should be spending their money on expensive stethoscopes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty happy with my ADC Cardiology 601 I just got to replace my Littmann Master Cardiology. $60-70 from Amazon.
