
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bigeminy vs. Couplets

Bigeminy is when a sinus beat is followed by an aberrant conduction pattern. Trigeminy is 2 sinus beats followed by ann aberrant conduction pattern.

Couplets are 2 aberrant conduction patterns in a row.
Triplets are 3 aberrant conduction patterns in a row.

I seem to have wired these two things in my brain wrong and I am trying to get them sorted out.

Aberrant Conduction is caused by something, treat the underlying cause and don't abolish perfusing rhythms.


We had a practical lab day this past week and these are the things I have to work on.

Update(8/23/2012): This seems to be the most popular post I have on this blog, a lot of folks navigate here from googling "Bigeminy Couplets". Does this help explain things a bit? Please comment...