
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A new outlook and a slow transformation

I think that I am becoming a "healthcare professional"

I find myself frustrated with the lack of detail in my textbooks regarding..say...the endocrine system. I think that I have finally reached the "consciously incompetent" stage of being a paramedic. I am beginning to see that there are a ton of gaps in my knowledge.

I see that as a good thing.

I also have recently noticed that when I am getting information on a patient (from the patient, caregiver, nurse whatever) the wheels in my brain immediately begin spinning, and the next thing I know I am asking questions about pertinent information before I've even thought of it. Which I think is pretty cool.


  1. Yesterday was day One of the 15-month paramedic course I'm enrolled in here in Charlotte N.C. Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed reading your blog and hope you continue to post more. It's nice to read the experiences of someone who has "Gone before," even if they didn't go too much ahead of you:) Good luck!

    1. Thanks, you too! I started this blog because I searched like you and really couldn't find anything I'm glad you liked it.
